Still Struggling with Thyroid Symptoms?
Are your thyroid levels "normal," yet you have classic symptoms?
Do you feel like you've tried everything and don't know what to do next?
Are you holding out for a natural way to resolve your symptoms?
If you are exhausted, brain foggy, anxious or depressed, with stubborn weight gain, aches and pains, constipation, digestive issues, insomnia, or hair loss despite trying everything medicine has to offer, it's time to try a new approach. Learn more about working with the mind to optimize thyroid function by scheduling a free thyroid stress assessment call.
Traditional approaches to thyroid issues focus on lab tests and meds, but test results often don't align with how you are feeling, and hormone replacement isn't the simple cure it should be. All of which can make you feel confused, disappointed, and like you're failing standard treatment.
You might turn to functional or integrative approaches that involve supplements, detox protocols, or food restrictions, but these can be a lot of work and sometime less impactful than you'd hoped. Your thyroid issues may be complicated by adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances, infertility, postpartum, or menopausal considerations.
NOW is the time to consider a new approach, one that gets to the true root cause of your chronic health issues. Could neural retraining be your next best step to resolving your thyroid issues? Find out by taking the quiz.
What if I told you that there was a personality profile for people that develop Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, autoimmune diseases, immune dysfunction, and sensitivities, and that it’s no coincidence that you have these conditions?
What if I told you that you could turn this around and heal your thyroid symptoms naturally by working with your mind? And that this method would improve your emotional and mental state as well?
A new approach to thyroid health.
Thousands of client sessions.
Neural Retraining Specialist.
Request your copy of our free guide to discover the 4 stress risk factors that may be contributing to your chronic symptoms, and how retraining your brain can optimize your thyroid function, whether you are on hormone replacement or not.
A neural retraining specialist for chronic health conditions, with a special focus on thyroid health. I'm the founder of the 12-week self-paced Thyroid Stress Reduction Solution program.
I help women over 40 resolve classic thyroid symptoms naturally, whether they have a diagnosis of Hashimoto's or hypothyroidism or not, by harnessing the power of the mind.
Resolve fatigue, anxiety, depression.
Lose the body aches and the extra weight.
Improve immune function and hormone balance.
Copyright 2025 by Twin Cities Neural Retraining, LLC. All Rights Reserved.